The Colour Blue
The Colour Blue:
Showcase of our Amazing Learn Photography Community
Team, last week we put it out to our Learn Photography Community (it's on Facebook, it's free, and you can join here) to share a photo of The Colour Blue. And what a response! We put it into this adorable and fun little video - so please enjoy watching this one. PLUS, there were a couple of photos that were shared after this was done, so you really need to head over to the group to see all of the genius that our Community came up with.
If you're not part of it yet, our Learn Photography Community is the place to be to create wonderful, meaningful connections with your fellow photographers. It's the place to be to feel uplifted, to grow your confidence, and to engage in a really non-intimidating and fun way. So come on, join in - it's a no brainer ;). Stay tuned for more amazing things!